The Main Benefits of Cloud-based Attendance Systems

The global pandemic has altered the business landscape. Many organizations had to shut down their offices as governments imposed lockdowns. Moreover, social distancing regulations meant businesses could only have a limited number of people within their premises at any given time. As a result, an increasing number of employees transitioned to working from home. 

Working from home brought a new set of challenges for both employees and organizations. For starters, how do you manage employees without them being present in the workspace? In addition, how do you know if an employee’s working during their shift timings since you can’t monitor them? Other concerns also followed shortly after. For instance, organizations harbored concerns that employee productivity would fall. However, research shows that isn’t the case.

According to a Mercer study, more than 70 percent of companies stated they planned to switch to a hybrid model after the pandemic. As a result, companies have needed to switch their attendance systems to solutions that facilitate remote work. That’s where cloud-based attendance systems come into the mix.  

Cloud-based attendance systems operate as software as a service (SaaS). Let’s explore the benefits of cloud-based attendance systems in detail.


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4 Benefits of Facial Recognition Time and Attendance Management Solutions

Statistics show that time-theft results in companies losing more than $11 billion annually. Likewise, buddy-punching or proxy attendance sets companies back another $737 million annually.

Companies are aware of this problem, which’s why they go to great lengths to resolve it. Businesses are profit-maximizing entities. They aim to maximize their revenue while lowering their costs. Theoretically, organizations work on the notion that they’re a well-oiled machine seamlessly running. However, if employees aren’t devoted to their work shifts, things can quickly unravel.


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The Complete Guide to Biometric Time Attendance Systems

Organizations emphasize the importance of productivity and efficiency. They’re profit-making ventures, and in the business world, time is money. As a result, they want to ensure their employees are showing up to work timely. They also want to ensure there is no time-theft occurring on the job. Hence, they’ll implement time and attendance management systems to keep these things in check.

According to a Deloitte survey, over 84 percent of the respondents had a time and attendance management system to manage their employees. Organizations use time and attendance management solutions for various reasons. They include combating absenteeism, buddy-punching, and time-theft. In addition, they also want to ensure they don’t incorrectly give overtime pay to employees who didn’t work the additional hours.

Eventually, we end up with the question, which time and attendance management system suits organizations’ needs the best in today’s world? The answer isn’t straightforward. Depending on a business’s requirements, the ideal time and attendance management system might vary. However, there’s a growing trend for companies to adopt biometric time and attendance management systems.


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5 Signs Your Company Needs ANPR-Based Vehicle Access Control

An Automatic Number Plate Recognition or ANPR is a networked system that utilizes optical character recognition to read license plates of vehicles to enhance security within the premises. For this reason, it may interchangeably be referred to as Licensed Plate Recognition or LRP.


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7 Key Features of a Smart Attendance Management System

Organizations, small and large, need an attendance system to monitor their employees and ensure the effective maintenance of projects and tasks. Without an attendance system, employees could come and go as they please, resulting in chaos for the organization. This chaos would eventually lead to incomplete tasks and projects, which would affect customer satisfaction and orders, in turn affecting the company’s profits.


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5 Factors to Consider When Choosing an Access Control System

Preventing intruders from entering your building is essential for most businesses to preserve their trade secrets. In the past, hiring a security guard to watch over the entrance may have been enough to thwart unwanted guests, but not anymore. Thanks to the advancements in technology and the rapidly digitizing world, there’s a more efficient way to secure your facilities.


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Advantages of a Key Management System for a Business

As a business owner, you must go the extra mile to improve your facility’s security. It’s crucial to safeguard your assets and facilities from burglars and thieves. Moreover, valuable business possessions must have controlled access.

This is where our top-of-the-line key management solution comes into play. With a reliable key management system, business owners can stay rest assured about their facilities’ security. It offers unmatchable peace of mind and enhances the overall efficiency of the surveillance system.

A locking system is one of the most basic forms of ensuring physical safety. If overlooked or mismanaged, they can cause significant business risk exposure. Locks and their keys provide businesses a primary line of defense against thefts and intrusions.

In this blog, we have discussed the main benefits of implementing a key management system.


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