The Main Benefits of Cloud-based Attendance Systems
The global pandemic has altered the business landscape. Many organizations had to shut down their offices as governments imposed lockdowns. Moreover, social distancing regulations meant businesses could only have a limited number of people within their premises at any given time. As a result, an increasing number of employees transitioned to working from home.
Working from home brought a new set of challenges for both employees and organizations. For starters, how do you manage employees without them being present in the workspace? In addition, how do you know if an employee’s working during their shift timings since you can’t monitor them? Other concerns also followed shortly after. For instance, organizations harbored concerns that employee productivity would fall. However, research shows that isn’t the case.
According to a Mercer study, more than 70 percent of companies stated they planned to switch to a hybrid model after the pandemic. As a result, companies have needed to switch their attendance systems to solutions that facilitate remote work. That’s where cloud-based attendance systems come into the mix.
Cloud-based attendance systems operate as software as a service (SaaS). Let’s explore the benefits of cloud-based attendance systems in detail.