Automatic Safe Lockers

Automatic RFID /Biometric/Digital Electronic Smart Safe Locker system Provider in UAE

Lockers are essential part to secure your personal belongings where ever you go .  

Do you want to make your safe lockers more secured and self service oriented using smart technologies.  

Or Do you want to make your traditional lockers automatic and electronic replacing your traditional key methods making it key less. It is the smart way to Lock or unlock your safe lockers using biometric or RFID smart card or digital password based technologies making your lockers monitored , controlled from a central point .

We Acix middle east , Dubai will be at your service providing you full solution for your smart locker automation process with most modern smart technologies for your smart Digital safe lockers . Whether it is  for an existing safe locker or for a new smart Digital  locker .

Where We Use Automatic smart safe lockers?

Lockers are an essential part of any school, universities or health clubs , gymnasiums , offices etc .At universities and schools it provides  students somewhere safe to leave their belongings, where they can also be accessed at their will. With the hustle and bustle of students moving throughout the day, it’s important they have ease of access to a self-service locker system that is highly secure and intuitively designed.

Education facilities want to be as efficient as possible with cost but not compromise on providing a productive environment for their students.  Health club and gymnasiums required key less self service electronic lockers for securing the belongings of their members temporarily.  At Schools and educational institutes, The smart locker system will identify the student’s card and issues a locker accordingly. The interface gives preference to people with disabilities by issuing them with a locker in the middle of the locker bank. Once the student RFID card has been swiped or scanned, they interface with the campus security inner range access control system, with each user being recorded.

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Benefits Of Using Smart and Safe Electronic Lockers

Smart and safe electronic lockers have a variety of benefits, especially in busy places such as warehouses, packed gyms, educational institutes, and more. Having access to quality electronic lockers can have a lasting impact on your business. Businesses across the GCC are implementing such technology, and you need to ensure that you’re not left behind. Here are some benefits of using such technology and why they are gaining popularity all across the globe.

Smooth Administration

Using a conventional locker system brings a lot of administrative headaches. People often lose their keys, which is always a hassle. You’d need to find a replacement key, and if you can’t find one, then you’d have to replace the lock altogether. These frequent issues can waste a lot of time and money. Furthermore, you’d need to alert the relevant security officials in case keys are lost, spend time explaining the situation, and then request a lock change.

The whole process can be quite cumbersome and not to mention the costs involved. Furthermore, there is a lot of unnecessary downtimes that can create productivity issues. Moreover, your employees will be constantly concerned about their valuable belongings, which might impact their work.

When using a smart card system, you won’t find similar headaches as you would experience in a traditional locker system. If your employee or a student loses a contactless card, your security company would just need to disable the old one and issue a new version. No need to replace or repair the locks.

More Robust and Secure

You will experience a more robust and secure system with a smart, safe locker compared to a traditional one. As mentioned, it’s much safer and easier to replace a lost or stolen access card compared to a standard key. In any suspicious activity, the security company just needs to disable the card from a central portal. Relevant security officials can easily open up the locker in case of any malicious activity.

Furthermore, having a secure locker also gives employees peace of mind that their belongings are safe. They’ll be more comfortable working in an environment where they believe that their items are safe, and in case of theft, their issues will be promptly resolved.

Durable Technology

Smart and safe lockers are much more durable than their traditional counterparts. Locks and keys are susceptible to damage and need to be continuously maintained to work optimally with extensive use. Often, you’d find people engaged in opening jammed locks, which can waste valuable time. Furthermore, you’d need to spend unnecessary money on replacing irreparable locks.

With smart technology, a plastic card can be used with an RFID locker without any repair or damage. The smart lock has few mechanical parts that have a longer lifespan compared to the traditional one.

Perhaps the most important benefit of using smart locker technology is the security it provides to employees, gym-goers, and students. People are more likely to place their trust in technology rather than traditional locks. They can leave their valuable belongings such as cellular devices and other items in the smart lockers without worrying about theft or other malicious activities. These small devices can have a huge impact on employee productivity in a workplace.

Features of  Smart and Safe Electronic lockers

  • 24/7 access for convenient drop off and pick-up.
  • Email and text alerts after any activities
  • Total Security reduces lost belongings
  • State-of-the-art software logs and reports of each lockers will be available
  • Centralized management, monitoring and control of your safe lockers
  • Integration of lockers with student management system
  • Higher customer satisfaction and professional management
  • Makes your safe lockers auditable and smart
  • Authentication with biometric or smart RFID cards to lock or unlock make your lockers highly secured.
  • Managing your safe lockers with smart mobile phones

Operational Technologies For a Smart Locker system

Smart locker system integrated with RFID Technology:

Smart locker can be assigned to individuals using RFID identification technology . Individuals shall be given with RFID cards storing the identification credential for a locker assigned to him . once he show the smart card to the smart card reader , he can open the locker.

Smart locker Automation Operated  with Biometric Technology:

Biometric technology can be used to assign a smart locker to an individual . When identified with biometric credentials such as face scanning , fingerprint reading , this allows the person to access his locker with an automation process . This is very secured way of accessing your smart lockers.

Smart locker system Operated  with Mobile Based Applications :

Mobile phones are a kind of new additions to the method for accessing your smart lockers . Blue tooth technology and NFC  are used as means of communication between smart locker control unit and mobile phone.

Smart Digital locker system Operated  with Pin Codes and QR Codes:

Pin number shall be used as code to access your personal locker . Pin assigned shall be typed on the mounted Key Pad on the locker to allow the access to a particular smart locker.

Types of Smart Digital Lockers

Pay as you use Type Smart Locker: pay as you use type lockers allows you to use smart lockers of your choice on temporary basis . when you are on move or out of your home , this type of smart lockers allows you store your valuables temporary basis with charged amount of money . you can pay with your bank card or bank currency according to the hours you use .

Pick And GO Type Smart Lockers : Such lockers are prominently used by e commerce companies , laundry companies , delivery companies to manage their customer deliveries . This is convenient storage method when your customers are not available to the delivery place . you can keep the materials inside locker with access credential . This access credential is passed to your customers so that this one time access credential can be used to take the materials kept inside by respective customers.

Permanent type Smart Lockers: This type of smart lockers and assigned permanently to a person for a long term usage . Typical examples are lockers given in an office atmosphere etc .

How Our Smart centrally managed safe locker works?

We make your traditional metal lockers more smart using our smart technologies. This is made by installing an electromagnetic lock to each locker . The idea is to make this electromagnetic lock or unlock with a authentication trigger from a biometric authentication technique or smart RFID swipe card option, hence traditional security keys are replaced with smart technologies, Making the system totally key less lockers. Biometric or RFID authentication will be managed through a central software from where you can assign and manage each lockers . Software gets you various reports. Software also can be integrated to various portals and third party software.

For example , At schools it is integrated to student management portal . From a central system, administrators can change configurations, assign lockers to different people, view detailed usage data, and see in real-time which lockers are in use – knowledge that will allow them to serve students better as each semester goes by. The student has unlimited access to hired locker within the set period. Or In the event, the student has overstayed their time limit; they are sent an SMS advising they must collect their belongings. The student can only hire one locker at a time and lockers that aren’t in use can’t be opened. The touch screen that is built within each bank of lockers uses the latest in computer technology and provides the student with step-by-step instructions as well as multiple language options for ease of use.

Locker automation software gives the user and admin a detailed log report when ever is required .

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Applications of Smart Safe Lockers

Smart Lockers For Offices :  working by allowing dynamic use of personal locker space closest to where it’s needed. Safely under provision the number of lockers to workers in line with desk ratios. Create shared lockers for project and roaming audit teams. enables staff and contractors a safe place to store their property.

Smart lockers for Schools and Universities : Grant personal locker access for a day, week or term. Create shared class project lockers that keep the classroom tidy and projects secure. Allow students to self allocate based on where they want to be, having to manually allocate lockers each year and replace locks and lost keys are all things of the past.

Smart Lockers for Gym And Health club : Give gym members a better changing room experience. Get better utilisation of existing floor space. Finally forget about bolt cutters and lost keys. Offer innovative new value add member services such as dry cleaning or unattended package delivery. Offer your visitor safety and comfort! The last thing your visitors want is to worry about their private property while they are training. You want them to be able to safely and conveniently store their property, in combination with problem-free administration.

Food Storage Smart Lockers : Lockers are used to manage highly perishable items like food . Temperature are regulated and monitored with such smart lockers .

Weapon Storage Smart Lockers : Mostly seen with Military and police departments to help them to store highly sensitive weapons . Usage of smart locker with a full automation software help them to track , record , and identify who , when accessed each weapon like Guns, Riffles etc .

Smart lockers for Beaches : These are pay as much as you use type lockers allows you to choose the locker to store your valuables when you are at beach .

Smart Lockers for Hospitals : Hospitals use smart locker technology to store and manage medicines of their patients . This is an effective method to avoid any false medications .Weight of medicine can be monitored each time they use

Faster Through Self-Service Locker

Another extensive use of smart lockers is during the collection of parcels or other valuable items. You can safely deposit your belongings in an electronic safe, which can be accessed with a smart card or even a smartphone. Safely deposit your items and proceed to your desired store or destination. As a retail store, you can offer your customers a smart storage solution while they shop. It increases customer satisfaction and potentially reduces costs related to storage and safe-keeping.

Whatever your needs and requirements are, ACIX Middle East can provide a customized solution to all your problems. Whether you’re a school, recreational facility, or a bustling hustling gym, we have solutions for all.

ACIX Middle East—Your Go-To Smart Locker Management System Provider

ACIX Middle East is a leading company in UAE and the rest of GCC that is known for providing quality products and solutions for large and emerging businesses in the region. Our partnership with some of the best smart, safe technology suppliers has enabled us to provide comprehensive safety solutions to our clientele.

We’ve partnered with several leading  solution providers like FEPX , Matrix Comsec  offering outstanding solutions for your requirement from smart locker solution.

Our professional sales and technical experts come from various backgrounds that’ll help you install and implement smart technology in your lockers. Our reputation as one of the best technology solution providers in GCC has helped us provide robust solutions to our clientele. Get in touch with ACIX Middle East today to get comprehensive IT solutions that’ll elevate your business to new heights.

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